In the picturesque town of Bad Ragaz, nestled in the Swiss canton of St. Gallen, lies a unique wellness oasis: the 5-star Grand Resort Bad Ragaz. The majestic peaks and gentle valleys of the Bündnerland offer an idyllic and healing retreat, with the resort providing direct access to therapeutic thermal waters.
Two Michelin-starred chef Konstantin Filippou knows all about fine dining. Half-Greek, half-Austrian, he not only possesses a talent for creating uniquely blended Mediterranean and Austrian flavours but also embodies the determination required to rise to the top of the Michelin Star list.
In Switzerland, skiing and wellness go hand in hand. You can’t help but feel a sense of great calm when you are out on the slopes enjoying all the earth has to give you. The right wellness hotel in Switzerland can make all the difference to your trip, so be sure to do your research beforehand to fully enjoy your trip once you are there.
Made of solid wood, the Zumthor Cabins stretch three floors into the air with huge floor-to-ceiling windows that glow a warm light of inhabitance.
This renovated and traditional ‘Alpiner Blockbau’ is an opportunity to bask in the beautiful simplicity of living in the Swiss mountains.
Built around 200 years ago, the Scheune never saw any repairs and was left to collapse until 2007 when it was renovated and given a whole new purpose.
Zurich is the perfect city for a short getaway when in need of some great art, the highest standards in almost everything and a most calming serenity. We’ve selected the best places for you to eat, drink, relax and enjoy whilst staying in the Swiss metropole.
If you ever caught yourself daydreaming about living in a time that no longer exists, then a stay at the Domaine des Tourelles is the ultimate manifestation of that ideal.