In the picturesque town of Bad Ragaz, nestled in the Swiss canton of St. Gallen, lies a unique wellness oasis: the 5-star Grand Resort Bad Ragaz. The majestic peaks and gentle valleys of the Bündnerland offer an idyllic and healing retreat, with the resort providing direct access to therapeutic thermal waters.
Milan is a world-famous metropolis as the capital of fashion, design and finance, but also a major hub for internationally renowned universities and a sophisticated lifestyle.
If you are planning a weekend getaway and are looking for things to do in Milan, we have prepared a guide that will allow you to experience the Milanese metropolis at its best.
Madrid is one the best cities in the world to try the dishes of famous Michelin star chefs. There are 27 restaurants with this distinction and it’s a hard task to choose which one to dine in.
On the glinting sun-soaked coast of Spain lies Marbella, a town that famously attracts the world’s glitterati, eager to soak in the luxe ambience and stunning landscapes. This gem of Costa del Sol, with the ritzy marina Puerto Banús, is synonymous with luxury, opulence, and the high life.
The Amalfi Coast lies in Italy’s southwestern Salerno province in the Campania region on the Tyrrhenian Sea wrapping around the Gulf of Salerno. It is, without doubt, one of the most beautiful places on Earth. Join us on our journey and get insights where to stay.
This time, the holiday hotel guide focuses on the Algarve, in the south of Portugal, where nature brings together the Atlantic Ocean with big waves for surfers and stunning sea views for sunshine seekers.